Walter Kindler (1940 – 2019) , Rudolf Schwarzkogler (1940 – 1969)
1st action, Hochzeit, no. 14, Austria, Vienna, 6 February 1965
From the edition »Rudolf Schwarzkogler«, ed. by Pari & Dispari, Guiseppe Morra & Francesco Conz
Portfolio in white linen folder:
1 colophon with table of contents
1 text sheet with an explanation by Edith Adam
10 colour photographs by W. Kindler, c. 60 x 50 cm
6 serigraphs of graphic works by R.S., c. 50 x 60 cm
12 sheets with facsimiles of concept works by R.S.
8 sheets with texts by H. Nitsch and Günter Brus.
Schwarzkogler's first action was his only one with a title, the only one involving several people, and the only one photographed in color. It took place in the apartment of his fellow student Heinz Cibulka, who played an active role, Günter Brus' wife Anni acted as bride, Schwarzkogler himself was the main actor. In addition to his closest circle of friends, including Otto Muehl, Hermann Nitsch and Günter Brus, three photographers were present to document the course of the action.
Unlike his colleagues, Schwarzkogler incorporated space into his formal concept. By painting the walls blue and white and placing blue objects - a cylinder, a sphere and two boards - in the room, he created an environment for his action. On a white table he arranged utensils like in a laboratory, among them fish, a chicken wrapped in paper, fine crystals in different colours, glasses with blue colour, as well as gauze bandages and surgical tools. Typical motifs are the black mirror and the sphere will also recur in Schwarzkogler's subsequent actions.
Chromogenic print, print date: 1977
Image dimensions ca. 62 x 51 cm (62 x 51 inch)
Mounting, Framing Archival mat board 90 x 70 cm
Signs of wear on the linen cassette, all works and text-pages contained in best condition
Signed by Edith Adam, Editionsvermerk »69/75« and stamped »pari editori & dispari« on the reverse
Eva Badura-Triska, Hubert Klocker (ed.), R. S.: Leben und Werk, Klagenfurt 1992, p. 164, ill. no. 14, M3 (HF).
Prints / Vienna Actionism / Aktionismus /